Yurguensensen me mando heste cuestionareo que devo de responder ala brebeda porqe asi lo esije la diosa Interné.
Desculpe ques en inglé, quéselevaser…
I’ve been infected with the Book Meme virus!! The horror!!
:: Number of books on shelf?
Around 100, although some of my shelves are not with me at present.
:: Last book purchased?
“Feu Vert pour le permis de conduire” (Green light to the driver’s license). Yes, indeed, i’m trying to get a driver’s license if possible :-).
:: Book I’m reading right now?
“El inventor de juegos” by Pablo de Santis. This is very good Argentine writer and, though this book is for young readers i’m enjoying it the same way as i enjoyed some of his novels “for adults”.
:: Last five books read?
– The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown)
– The R. Crumb Handbook (Robert Crumb, Pete Poplaski)
– Groucho and Me (Groucho Marx)
– Food of The Gods (Terence Mc Kenna)
– The Groucho Letters (letters to and from Groucho Marx)
:: Passing the torch to?
– Doreen
– George W. Bush
– Johnny Dang
– Barbra Streisand
If anyone else wants to participate just repeat what questions appeared here and supply your own books/authors…
…no entendí un pomo…favor poner subtítulos…
Mejor te mando la bersion doblada en casteshano neutro…