the sun's not yellow it is chicken

On The Bus

A while ago, due to a broken wrist, I was forced to take the bus to work. There were some interesting characters that ended up in my sketchbook — here’s a couple of them:

guy on the bus
This guy seemed to have a bit of a mental problem. You know the forever-smiling-into-the-distance guy? Yeah, that.

people on the bus
More people… The busdriver in particular looked like he was about to make an end to his life — every morning.

more people on the bus
Housewife on her way to shop, shy girl, loudmouthing homeless person.

old man black girl
The “I’m an intellectual, leave me alone” man and a cute, relaxed black girl.

Oh and the wrist is fine again now, thank you.


  1. Beatrice

    Love ’em! Nice linework and crop composition. Very ballsy, as well — I fear for my physical safety whenever I think of sketching in public.

  2. moonbug

    Thanks! Matter of fact I didn’t draw these on the spot — I drew them from memory at home. Sketching in public, especially with my drawing style, would indeed be rather ballsy! :)

  3. victorie

    wow! those are great characters!

  4. Michele

    You drew these from memory? I’m even more impressed. You really succeeded in capturing the “essence” of their characters with these in some simple strokes. Nice.

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