the sun's not yellow it is chicken

On Colour

Last weekend was D-Day at Casa Moonbug. Having bought the paint months ago, Gabriela and I finally had some time to re-paint our Computer Room (yes: that’s with capitals — although we have a pretty big house, we practically live there). The previous owner had left the place with a bland, butt-ugly light pastel green that we’d been mind-numbingly enduring for years. Although I had anticipated the new colours to be a nice change, the transformation absolutely baffled me beyond expectation.

As you may know, I hardly ever use colour in whatever it is that I’m drawing. I tend to enter a state of mild hyperventilation when it comes to colour (Freudians: feel free to drop me a note) — but this, this goes to show how much colour can define, alter, add to a person’s mood.

So without further ado, in true Debbie Travis style, I present to you the Before and After Pictures (click to enlarge):



How about that. Full reportage over at Gabriela’s!

1 Comment

  1. Michele

    Enough to really make you reconsider the whole color thing, isn’t it? I’m jealous–I completely love the new look, the richness and coziness. I used to be a big fan of “light and airy” in a room and, in some cases, I still am. But of late, I’ve come to appreciate what warmth can do. Enjoy your new space.

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