the sun's not yellow it is chicken


Go ahead, laugh, you sarcastic person you. Today, Gaby gave me my very first yoga lesson. My lower back feels a little dodgy right now, but I suppose that’s the way it should be. We went through several movements including what I think is called the Shlackmyriamani Doodly Flip (or something similar, you know the “Greeting of the Morning Sun”). Surprisingly, these exercises made me feel better. It turns out that the big point of stresss is my lower back. Amazing how doing a couple of yoga positions makes you accutely aware of degenerating muscles. In fact I was so enthousiastic, we ended up ordering a 3 set DVD by the elusive Wai Lana — a sorta 21st century Jane Fonda sort of a woman. Wai seems to dwell around Hawaï and, inbetween participating in Chinese Circus venues, shows you how you’re supposed to, you know, yoga your way through the day. The DVD’s cost $44,95 so the result damn well better be good (feels his lower back muscles cringe).


  1. Gaby

    Surya Namaskar! Surya Namaskar! :)

  2. lindsay

    I’ve been doing yoga for a long time and it really helps everything! Hope you are staying with it. I love your people drawings in your blog and also since I’m an edm person, thanks for the link for members work.

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