the sun's not yellow it is chicken

All In The Family


An Intel powered iMac has found its way to Moonbug Towers! Gaby tells me it’s a she. Gaby knows about these things. The jury is still out on a suitable name, however here’s a picture:

intel imac


  1. Gaby

    Her name is Tina! :)

  2. pampa

    Her name is Milonga! Then you can say “Me voy a la Milonga” every time you go to your mac.

  3. Evy

    Congrats Jurgen! It looks beautiful -and- delicious!! :)

  4. Roberto

    The only right name for a computer is Abulafia, after the word processor in Umberto Eco’s Fucault’s Pendulum.
    If you read it you won’t be able to name it any other way!
    Liked your observations about Buenos Aires.
    You missed the concerts in buses and trains. I assume you only traveled in taxis then!

  5. moonbug

    Roberto: I took the bus once, and the subway as well (was lucky enough to get on one of those archaic 1910ish (?) subway trains!) — missed the concerts though, yes.
    As for the Mac’s name: I dunno, Gaby’s pretty good at the naming game. Her previous Mac for instance, was called La Gorda! I shall leave that to your imagination, shall I? ;)

  6. Roberto

    1910ish trains are in the A line (Plaza de Mayo – Primera Junta. I think the line has been exteneded now.) Next time you go you must ride in the front carriage. They have a window to the front, next to the driver’s cabin, so you can see the tunnel ahead, instead of just staring at dark side walls like in any other metro in the world. It’s like an Indiana Jones film!
    I see that Gaby has already decided on the name. Since this one has a flat screen monitor I believe it should be named La Flaca, though.

  7. moonbug

    About the metro thing: I will have to remember that for our next visit to Bs.As.!
    La Flaca: heheh! Will pass it on. Although in view of the recent trouble we had with the intel based processor, we might as well go with El Quilombo or La Cagada… :)

  8. Roberto

    I suggest “La Turrita” then.
    Your command of Spanish, more specificly Argentinean, seems very good. Guess I know the source. You could talk to my Irish wife in lunfardo and Gaby and I can sit and admire the results. We must organise such meeting!

  9. Gaby

    I like that one! It’s gonna be Tina, aka “La Turrita”, because she is a bit cheeky actually…
    Jurguen can also speak lunfardo with an Irish accent à la that guy from Cold Feet (what’s his name again?) Must see that! :-)

  10. moonbug


    James Nesbitt, actually. Great actor, he is.

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