the sun's not yellow it is chicken

Oh What A World We Live In

World: I present you with Gabriela‘s newly purchased iPod Nano:

Gabriela\'s iPod Nano

Make sentence with “amazing”, “of”, “thing” and “beauty”. If you’re wondering about the inscription, it comes from this Rufus Wainwright song. Oh, and bonus points for the one who recognizes the identity of the person reflecting off the iPod’s metallic back surface!


  1. Roger Bourland

    kd lang?
    Hank Williams

  2. moonbug

    Kd Lang: nope!
    Hank Williams: not quite — but getting closer…
    A clue: there’s a hint of what could be something like a middlefinger. :)

  3. Roberto

    it reminds me of Ernesto Guevara Lynch. El Che…

  4. Roberto

    nooo. it’s Johnny Cash!!!!!
    Wht did I win?

  5. moonbug

    A gastronomical weekend at Folsom Prison, all expenses paid! Oh the people you’ll meet, the food you’ll eat, the fun group activities you’ll engage in.

  6. Roberto

    Is that what you call your home?
    I gather you have many unresolved issues with Gaby. We’ll wait until you have sorted your problems out before visiting. Remember: Communication is the key. I hear she can speak Dutch now. :-)

  7. moonbug

    Noooooo! I was talking more along THESE lines

  8. Gaby

    …no wonder we have so many unresolved issues…!

  9. tongue in cheek

    It is Santa Claus!

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