the sun's not yellow it is chicken

Almost There

The early demise of the iMac’s hard disk set us back a bit (to say the least), but thankfully we had been sending relatively high-res versions of the illustrations to The Editor via Gmail which have turned out to be useable for print even if blown up a bit here and there. So now it’s on to the book’s cover. We’ve made two versions: one has Mr. Waits’ face colorized, while the other is just the drawing layed over the background image. Here they are for your perusal:

waits cover overlay

waits cover colorized

Which one to choose, hmmmm…


  1. wagonized

    I like the second one a lot, personally: his face stands out a little better. Great artwork.
    Discovered one of his older tunes on the radio the other day, and failed to recognized his voice. It was “hope i don’t fall in love with you”.

  2. Miyuki

    Love that warm rusty colour! I don’t know if this matters, but I find that the first one brings out his eyes better.

    I’m not familiar with Mr. Waits music at all, but I keep running into his name recently. Maybe that’s a sign…

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