Ah, Milo Manara — behold the steadiness of that hand! The perfect line in one single stroke! Color me envious… (youtube)
Author: moonbug (Page 13 of 39)
“Is this how you feel today?“, she asked.
I just sent off all 12 “final” illustrations for the Tom Waits biography to the publisher. Gaby and I hadn’t looked at them for a while, and seeing them again now I must say we’re both rather pleased with the results. Below you’ll find thumbnails which, when clicked, will reveal the full collage. We’re interested to know what you think about them — and oh yes: signed and numbered high res prints on luxurious heavy-weight paper are for sale!
Without, as they say, further ado (click pics for full view):
Old Shoes and Picture Postcards
Looking For The Heart Of Saturday Night
You wouldn’t believe how many people end up here searching Google for an image of a horse. I’ve even had requests from people asking if they can buy copies. So yeah, this one is now officially for sale:
Feel free to contact me for details.
This is the one where I post something to apologize for not having posted lately. To my defense: I’ve been busy! Anyway, here are some eCards Gaby and I recently added to WeirdoCards. Clicking them will transport you to the corresponding WeirdoCards page where you will be able to send it to your friends and relatives! In no particular order:
Tooth Ache
A drawing I made based on a teacher at the academy, handily recycled as a man with a tooth ache.
Special Delivery Girl
Delivering pizza across Manhattan, Special Delivery Girl delivers pizza umm where, um, no special delivery girl has delivered pizza before.
Whatever Dude
Ever had to deal with a “Whatever Dude”? The Whatever Dude invariably denies all responsibility for whatever happened and will invariably shove all responsibility upon your shoulders. You do not want to be in the presence of a Whatever Dude, trust me.
Angel Tattoo
This one should look familiar to anyone who’s been following this weblog for a while.
Marvin, Elvis Fan
He calls himself Marvin, he’s homeless, and he hates it when you take his picture. Oh, and he lives on the streets of Vegas.
Godzilla Chicken
Bit of a back story: Google Maps doesn’t have satellite imagery for my (admittedly) small hometown — only a red dot. Which led Gaby to conclude that there must be a giant rubber Google-sponsored chicken that excretes red balls upon little villages so that they remain visible within Google Maps. Yes: I am very happily married.
Vader, The Snowman
My personal favorite! No explanation needed, me thinks.