the sun's not yellow it is chicken

Author: moonbug (Page 14 of 39)

World Tour

I’ve talked about it there, so I may as well write about it here: I had this idea of a collaborative sketchbook travelling around the world from one Frank Zappa fan to the next, where each participant gets two pages to doodle, write and/or glue in whatever as long as it’s Zappa-related. Now the book is about to hit the road, as Gabriela’s contribution and mine (the cover) are finished.


More on Flickr. I can’t wait to see the kind of stuff people are going to come up with! Which will be some time next year probably, with some 30 participants already lined up. Let me know if you’d like to join in…

Elliott Smith’s Two Meter Session

In April ’98 I had the good fortune of seeing Elliott Smith live at the Vooruit in Ghent. I remember him coming on stage: incredibly shy and unassuming, apparently totally unaware of the fact that the place was sold out to a bunch of people who had adored “Roman Candle”, “Either/Or” and “XO”, and were delighted to hear him play live. The concert turned out to be mesmerizing. I don’t usually keep ticket stubs, but here’s my exception to the rule:


Later that year, Elliott was scheduled to appear on a Dutch TV-show called “Two Meter Sessions”. I was away from home spending my time in Ghent at the time but managed to catch this appearance on video through the wonders of vcr programming. And now, thanks to a recently purchased vhs-to-dvd recorder, so can you.

I had a bit of trouble splitting the footage in two so as to oblige YouTube — hope you enjoy it anyway:

Part One:

(YouTube link)

Part Two:

(YouTube link)

You’re dearly missed, Elliott.


Hell freezes over: a post with no graphics! Just wanted to let you know I’ve put up a tiny online portfolio of my work, as well as an “about” page. And there was much rejoicing!

Almost There

The early demise of the iMac’s hard disk set us back a bit (to say the least), but thankfully we had been sending relatively high-res versions of the illustrations to The Editor via Gmail which have turned out to be useable for print even if blown up a bit here and there. So now it’s on to the book’s cover. We’ve made two versions: one has Mr. Waits’ face colorized, while the other is just the drawing layed over the background image. Here they are for your perusal:

waits cover overlay

waits cover colorized

Which one to choose, hmmmm…

The Long Way Home


“Run away and join the circus,” he told them. “Get a tattoo, hop a train. Plant a garden and save the seeds. Get married, have kids, wear a hat. Get good with a bullwhip. Don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t steal. Everyone must put beans on the table. Be devoted to the unification of the diverse aspects of yourself. Remember, most of what is essential is invisible to the eye. The quality of time you spend with someone far outweighs the quantity. And, there’s a lot you can do with a wah-wah pedal and a bullet mike.”

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