In case you didn’t know, Tom Waits’ Bone Machine is quite a grim album…
Author: moonbug (Page 15 of 39)
Yup: this here birthday boy has had a blast over the weekend. Gabriela threw an absolutely fabulous surprise party with a new mystery guest arriving every 2 hours or so. Put 9 Zappa-freaks in a room with lots of food, wine and beer, and what you’ll end up with is some pretty entertaining conversation! Thanks to all who could make it! The Flickr set is right over here.
I fooled around a little with the Bettie-Page-esque girl seen in the background here. For those who are into that kind of thing: this drawing is available as an eCard.
From: moonbug
To: stagecraftentertainment
Subject: Disaster StrikesVery, very bad news.
This morning, while checking her email, Gaby’s iMac suddenly froze and shut down. We’ve since tried everything we can to resuscitate the computer, to no avail. It appears the hard-disc is fried (no more than 9 months after we purchased the iMac no less!!). All of the high-res images were stored on her Mac, and of course we failed to make back-ups…
I’m calling Apple support on Monday – hopefully they will be able to restore the files from the hard-disc. If not, well, then we’ll just have to start from scratch, won’t we…Friday 13 indeed. :(
Behold: a cross between Chris Cornell, Russell Crowe and Tom Waits!
Just to say that sometimes a drawing takes you to places you didn’t expect, and weren’t aiming for to begin with. When that happens, embrace that drawing for what it is. To realize that you’ve hit the ditch can be a most refreshing experience. The ditch is where it’s at most of the time, after all. There is no challenge in being middle of the road. Is there?