the sun's not yellow it is chicken

Author: moonbug (Page 19 of 39)

Quick Time Lapse

Had a bit of fun with Gawker and Quicktime Pro. In reality the movie below was shot in a timeslot of three hours, but Gawker’s time lapse feature reduced it to a mere 23 seconds. Provided I didn’t mess up the html, you’ll see me drawing a second draft of the previous entry’s sketch, as well as having a couple of hamburgers…

Edit: here’s Episode Two.
Edit Two: the Quicktime embedding doesn’t seem to work out quite as expected for folks on PC, so here’s a link to the movie instead.

Tattoo You

Initial study: angelic mother with cherub-like children.

tattoo you 1

Need to extend the mother’s wings…

Cucamonga (3)

This collage incorporates a little bit of everything of the early Cucamonga years: Zappa emerging from under his suffocating California desert tombstone, monster movies, pop cult, and the promise of great musical achievements to come (click the image to enlarge!).

zappa cucamonga

You’ll recognize the drawing… everything else was assembled by way of Gabriela‘s evil touch of genius.

Can you tell we’re having heaps of fun with this?

Cucamonga (2)

In the early 60s, Frank Zappa wrote a movie script which was to feature Captain Beefheart in the main role. The title of the script was, quite appropriately, Captain Beefheart vs The Grunt People. The story involved the Captain taking a pony ride to the moon, where he ends up confronting The Grunt People. Shock! Horror! Partial nudity!

Not so surprisingly, the project never came to fruition and all that exists to this day is a typed out scenario. For the upcoming Cucamonga documentary, Gaby and I were asked to design an imaginary film poster. Behold!

cpt beefheart vs the grunt people

The drawings and some of the coloring are my work, Gaby did the collage, lettering, and added the “aged poster” look. Here’s the original Cpt. Beefheart drawing:

cpt beefheart detail black-white

… and here’s a detail of the colored version:

cpt beefheart detail colored


Lots of artwork going on. I’ll most probably be illustrating the German version of a biography of a “very well known musician” (hint: Waltzing Mathilda!). Gabriela and I are also working on a series of collages for a feature film documentary dedicated to Frank Zappa’s Cucamonga days (early to mid ’60s). To whet your appetite, here’s a drawing I made from a very fuzzy photo downloaded from the interwebs:

Cucamonga: Zappa\'s Early Mothers Of Invention

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