the sun's not yellow it is chicken

Author: moonbug (Page 24 of 39)

Drawing As Zen

As an art student at the academy, without a doubt my favorite class was live model drawing.

It’s hard to explain the kick one gets when a drawing becomes more than just a couple of lines on paper. It has something to do with a level of concentration and focus which gracefully allows you to forget anything that was previously on your mind. It also has to do with a sort of epiphany you experience once you fully understand the underlying anatomy of the subject you’re trying to capture.

It will suddenly, effortlessly, all make sense. There is no more trying, the pursuit is no longer that of “making a good drawing”, in fact there is no longer any sort of pursuit, other than to delve further into this elusive level of reality you have been fortunate enough to hit upon.

There are other realms where I have encountered this kind of almost zen-like focus, where labourous effort at a certain point makes way for effortless understanding. One is to play music, the other one I shall not elaborate upon — though you are free to guess!

Oh What A World We Live In

World: I present you with Gabriela‘s newly purchased iPod Nano:

Gabriela\'s iPod Nano

Make sentence with “amazing”, “of”, “thing” and “beauty”. If you’re wondering about the inscription, it comes from this Rufus Wainwright song. Oh, and bonus points for the one who recognizes the identity of the person reflecting off the iPod’s metallic back surface!

Trying To Grow A Chin

At work I’m currently designing a poster for a local junior high-school. They are about to move into a brand new building, and will have a big party with music, drinks and live performances which they obviously want to advertise prior to the event. And they want pictures of all 280 pupils to appear on it. All 280! So I spent most of the day cropping and color-adjusting the digital-camera photos they sent in.

Big fun, oh yes. Not.

That cd full of kids posing in front of the teacher’s amateur digital camera is gold material for sketching though. In one of Woody Allen’s movies — was it “Annie Hall”? I’m not sure — there’s a scene where he revisits his old classmates, has them stand up in the classroom and say what they became in later life. One goes “I’m the president of [insert multinational here]”, the other goes something like “I used to be a heroin addict, now I’m on methadon”. Well looking at the faces of these kids, I had a lot of fun imagining where they’ll end up in life. Some of their faces will surely show up here sooner or later, in ink.

Until then, I’ll leave you if I may, with a guy who’s Trying To Grow A Chin. The astute observer will notice an accute lack of smiling wrinkles:

trying to grow a chin

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