the sun's not yellow it is chicken

Author: moonbug (Page 33 of 39)

Frank ‘n Debby

Non-symmetrical, “less-than-perfect” people constitute a drawing person’s gefundenes fressen — they shine in ink. Goodlooking, “symmetrical” people — you know the kind you tend to see in the tabloids — are a bore to draw (and quite possibly a bore to have for company altogether). Their features are bland, their expression indistinctive, their succes a pitiful outcome of lowest common denominator marketing-think. Unless. Unless a certain ethereal quality sets them apart. That particular je ne sais quoi — it doesn’t happen often, but when it does…

Debby Harry

Frank Zappa
FZ with tape recorder

On Colour

Last weekend was D-Day at Casa Moonbug. Having bought the paint months ago, Gabriela and I finally had some time to re-paint our Computer Room (yes: that’s with capitals — although we have a pretty big house, we practically live there). The previous owner had left the place with a bland, butt-ugly light pastel green that we’d been mind-numbingly enduring for years. Although I had anticipated the new colours to be a nice change, the transformation absolutely baffled me beyond expectation.

As you may know, I hardly ever use colour in whatever it is that I’m drawing. I tend to enter a state of mild hyperventilation when it comes to colour (Freudians: feel free to drop me a note) — but this, this goes to show how much colour can define, alter, add to a person’s mood.

So without further ado, in true Debbie Travis style, I present to you the Before and After Pictures (click to enlarge):



How about that. Full reportage over at Gabriela’s!

Dick Trek Epic

The Big Note, a Frank Zappa eZine of which I am an executive editor, will be featuring one of my early comics in their upcoming edition. It’s all pretty puerile and rudimentarily drawn, yet funny in a twisted sort of a fashion, or so I hope. Caution before you click: explicitnicity abounds…

On The Bus

A while ago, due to a broken wrist, I was forced to take the bus to work. There were some interesting characters that ended up in my sketchbook — here’s a couple of them:

guy on the bus
This guy seemed to have a bit of a mental problem. You know the forever-smiling-into-the-distance guy? Yeah, that.

people on the bus
More people… The busdriver in particular looked like he was about to make an end to his life — every morning.

more people on the bus
Housewife on her way to shop, shy girl, loudmouthing homeless person.

old man black girl
The “I’m an intellectual, leave me alone” man and a cute, relaxed black girl.

Oh and the wrist is fine again now, thank you.

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