Lame title, I agree. Anyway:
Author: moonbug (Page 33 of 39)
Non-symmetrical, “less-than-perfect” people constitute a drawing person’s gefundenes fressen — they shine in ink. Goodlooking, “symmetrical” people — you know the kind you tend to see in the tabloids — are a bore to draw (and quite possibly a bore to have for company altogether). Their features are bland, their expression indistinctive, their succes a pitiful outcome of lowest common denominator marketing-think. Unless. Unless a certain ethereal quality sets them apart. That particular je ne sais quoi — it doesn’t happen often, but when it does…
Debby Harry
Frank Zappa
Last weekend was D-Day at Casa Moonbug. Having bought the paint months ago, Gabriela and I finally had some time to re-paint our Computer Room (yes: that’s with capitals — although we have a pretty big house, we practically live there). The previous owner had left the place with a bland, butt-ugly light pastel green that we’d been mind-numbingly enduring for years. Although I had anticipated the new colours to be a nice change, the transformation absolutely baffled me beyond expectation.
As you may know, I hardly ever use colour in whatever it is that I’m drawing. I tend to enter a state of mild hyperventilation when it comes to colour (Freudians: feel free to drop me a note) — but this, this goes to show how much colour can define, alter, add to a person’s mood.
So without further ado, in true Debbie Travis style, I present to you the Before and After Pictures (click to enlarge):
How about that. Full reportage over at Gabriela’s!
The Big Note, a Frank Zappa eZine of which I am an executive editor, will be featuring one of my early comics in their upcoming edition. It’s all pretty puerile and rudimentarily drawn, yet funny in a twisted sort of a fashion, or so I hope. Caution before you click: explicitnicity abounds…
A while ago, due to a broken wrist, I was forced to take the bus to work. There were some interesting characters that ended up in my sketchbook — here’s a couple of them:
This guy seemed to have a bit of a mental problem. You know the forever-smiling-into-the-distance guy? Yeah, that.
More people… The busdriver in particular looked like he was about to make an end to his life — every morning.
Housewife on her way to shop, shy girl, loudmouthing homeless person.
The “I’m an intellectual, leave me alone” man and a cute, relaxed black girl.
Oh and the wrist is fine again now, thank you.