Being a pen/ink kind of a guy, I had a go at charcoal mingled with aquarel. Scary!
Author: moonbug (Page 35 of 39)
And there was much rejoicing as Mr Moonbug remembered he had a more or less recent copy of his weblog templates buried in his offline Sites folder. Minus the header graphic. Oh well, I was getting tired of having my own face stare at me from the header.
And there was much grief as Dr. Moonbug went and screwed up what was supposed to be a pedestrian WordPress upgrade. In other words: all my original scans (plus my template’s css and graphics) got hosed, although I managed to retrieve some via browser/google cache. Hang on, I’ll get things back in order — including the moonbug template! Goddamnit!
Still life of worn out, taped up portfolio, sporting xeroxed-and-glued-on drawing from the insanely talented Moebius. I always loved the sign that reads: On Passe Pas.