Here’s what happens when the wife and I go into town “just to buy a fan, ’cause it’s kinda hot these days”:
We did get the fan as well though…
the sun's not yellow it is chicken
Here’s what happens when the wife and I go into town “just to buy a fan, ’cause it’s kinda hot these days”:
We did get the fan as well though…
Who knows where they come from.
More proof that nude modelling is nothing short of masochism. I think I’ll call this one “White Man Forced To Pull T-Shirt Over His Head”. Dig the whitespace yo!
My buddy Frank and I met back in the early 90’s St-Lucas School Of Arts days. Through the years we’ve shared a love for playing music, drawing, as well as a deep hatred for the kind of elitist Snob Design Dogma’s that were shoved down our throats at gunpoint in our college years. These Snob Design Dogma’s are what caused me to dropout of St-Lucas to pursue a degree at the (atheist!) Royal Academy instead, while Frank managed to endure the bullshit and graduated from St-Lucas eventually. Regardless, I think he’s an excellent illustrator and so I figured I’d put some of his recent artwork here. Where my drawings tend to suffer from elusive randomnosity, he manages to focus on an idea and execute it brilliantly. So without further ado (and since he doesn’t have a weblog of his own) here’s some of his stuff:
And here he is, the man himself:
… of the naked man.
Nude model sketch, ca 1991. I still have the utmost respect for these boys ‘n girls, as they posed cramped up in unnatural positions for hours on end under hot spotlights, a mere object to our relentlessly scrutinizing eyes. This guy was particularly good at it. He could sit still forever without moving an inch. A pro — unlike this 50-something female model that was highly entertaining conversation-wise, but had a tendency to switch poses every two minutes. She lived on the streets, and would turn up in class carrying — or wearing — whatever it was she had found on the streets. Quite a character. Whenever she entered the classroom we just knew we were in for 4 hours of instant-sketching, which, in retrospect, is a good skill to have. Some drawings of her are in my sketchbooks, I might feature them here.
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