the sun's not yellow it is chicken

Category: Books (Page 1 of 2)

Dead Trees

Couple of days ago I ordered a book on programming, and opted for the paperback (dead tree) version. The book was delivered to my home within two days.

People who opted for the digital download edition however, have yet to receive their download link, and are slamming the author for the faulty checkout routine… which the author himself programmed.

So now I’m not so sure whether I should trust the programming techniques as described by the author in his book.

Irony eh?

Almost There

The early demise of the iMac’s hard disk set us back a bit (to say the least), but thankfully we had been sending relatively high-res versions of the illustrations to The Editor via Gmail which have turned out to be useable for print even if blown up a bit here and there. So now it’s on to the book’s cover. We’ve made two versions: one has Mr. Waits’ face colorized, while the other is just the drawing layed over the background image. Here they are for your perusal:

waits cover overlay

waits cover colorized

Which one to choose, hmmmm…

Book Meme

Kevin of diseased wits has passed on to me this internets virus called “the Book Meme“. I would like to thank him for infecting me.

Okay so here we go:

Number of books on shelf?
– including comic books: about 500.
sans comic books: about 50.
Now what does that say about me?

Last book purchased?
The Complete New Yorker Cartoons (which can be seen here). A great collection of cartoons gathered in an insanely thick, luxurious book. All the cartoons are also on 2 cd’s that come with the book. This one is perfect for impressing friends and visitors by casually having it lying around on the coffee table. Oooh’s and aaah’s will invariably abound.

Book I’m reading right now?
I am that person who is the last one on earth to be reading Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. Yes, that would be me. It really is a mindboggling read though I have to say. I tend to rigorously steer clear of anything that smells of hype, but this one hasn’t disappointed me one bit. All that occult underground symbolical stuff is fascinating. Let’s hear it for Maria Magdalena!

Last five books read?
– Frank Zappa – a Biography (Barry Miles)
– The R. Crumb Handbook (Robert Crumb, Pete Poplaski)
– Groucho and Me (Groucho Marx)
– Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Robert Pirsig)
– XML 1.1, the Complete Handbook (Elliotte Rusty Harold)

Passing the torch to?
And now to further spread the virus, I am passing the torch to these unfortunate souls:

  1. Gabriela
  2. Pat
  3. Juan
  4. Jimena
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