the sun's not yellow it is chicken

Category: Drawings (Page 6 of 19)

Drawing A DeSoto

Inanimate objects. For some reason, having to draw them is not my favorite pass-time. However, “Wild Years (the music and myth of) Tom Waits” starts off like this:

[…] in the 1973 press-kit bio for his first album, Closing Time, Waits claimed that he was born in a taxicab with three day’s growth of beard. As soon as he popped out, he told the driver to head for Times Square on the double. In other interviews, he maintained that the driver wouldn’t let him out of the cab until he had come up with the fare — which was pretty tough since he didn’t have any pockets.

… and so a car needed to be drawn. Some model that was around in 1949 to be more exact: a DeSoto!

Google Images to the rescue. Here’s what I started out with:

De Soto

… on to a preliminary sketch:

De Soto preliminary sketch

… pretty shabby. Some cleaning up was in order. I transferred the above onto another piece of paper, and realized by now that, in order for the newborn Tom Waits to get out of the car, at least the back door should be open…

De Soto second pass

… so that’s the drawing we ended up using. For shits ‘n giggles here’s both drawings super-imposed:

De Soto super-imposed

Warm Beer And Cold Women

See? Told you there was a reason for this.

warm beer and cold women

… and yes: I am now officially knee-deep in Tom Waits Territory. Last week, Gaby and I robbed the local library of whatever Tom Waits CD’s were available, and have been putting them on heavy rotation since. I absolutely love working on this — wish I had more illustration jobs that were equally challenging and inspiring.


  • I had fun last night sketching a buxom Betty Page-esque 50s stripper (yes: this does have a purpose, stay tuned). The drawing’s unfinished at present, however here’s a litle time-lapse movie showing the proceedings thus far (partial nudity alert).
  • My attempt at a YouTube version turned out to be rather crappy, alas.
  • In other news, I’ve posted some pictures of my “workspace” on Flickr for your perusal. You’ll note the slightly surreal webcam-taped-to-a-microphone-stand set-up used to shoot the movies.
  • Gabriela took some nice pictures of the area where we live. So nice in fact, people in the comments are convinced it is a cardboard stage dreamed up by scriptwriters. Ha!
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