Praise the web! Gabriela and I have been planning a trip to Buenos Aires for quite some time now. Literally everything has been booked/arranged online. Next December 9 we’ll be off on a flight to Buenos Aires via Amsterdam and São Paulo. We also managed to book a reasonably cheap appartment for our 4 week stay. While we’re there, we’ll take a 6-day trip to Buzios, Brazil. I’ve been saving up my holidays for this (didn’t take a single day off this year so far) so basically what I’m trying to say here is: while the rest of you shiver in the northern continent winter climate next December, I shall basically be sipping tequila’s and taking the occasional swim in the 4 star hotel’s pool. Not to mention spending x-mas and new-year in South-America. Woo! It’s a cruel cruel world.
Category: Me Myself And I (Page 14 of 15)
Last weekend was D-Day at Casa Moonbug. Having bought the paint months ago, Gabriela and I finally had some time to re-paint our Computer Room (yes: that’s with capitals — although we have a pretty big house, we practically live there). The previous owner had left the place with a bland, butt-ugly light pastel green that we’d been mind-numbingly enduring for years. Although I had anticipated the new colours to be a nice change, the transformation absolutely baffled me beyond expectation.
As you may know, I hardly ever use colour in whatever it is that I’m drawing. I tend to enter a state of mild hyperventilation when it comes to colour (Freudians: feel free to drop me a note) — but this, this goes to show how much colour can define, alter, add to a person’s mood.
So without further ado, in true Debbie Travis style, I present to you the Before and After Pictures (click to enlarge):
How about that. Full reportage over at Gabriela’s!
Pardon the silence, but having recently joined this YahooGroup, I’m having heaps of fun with this little project.
Here’s what happens when the wife and I go into town “just to buy a fan, ’cause it’s kinda hot these days”:
We did get the fan as well though…
My buddy Frank and I met back in the early 90’s St-Lucas School Of Arts days. Through the years we’ve shared a love for playing music, drawing, as well as a deep hatred for the kind of elitist Snob Design Dogma’s that were shoved down our throats at gunpoint in our college years. These Snob Design Dogma’s are what caused me to dropout of St-Lucas to pursue a degree at the (atheist!) Royal Academy instead, while Frank managed to endure the bullshit and graduated from St-Lucas eventually. Regardless, I think he’s an excellent illustrator and so I figured I’d put some of his recent artwork here. Where my drawings tend to suffer from elusive randomnosity, he manages to focus on an idea and execute it brilliantly. So without further ado (and since he doesn’t have a weblog of his own) here’s some of his stuff:
And here he is, the man himself: