the sun's not yellow it is chicken

Category: Me Myself And I (Page 5 of 15)

Silver Girl


On August 1st at 16:24, Emma was born a beautiful baby. She was however delivered prematurely and did not survive the ordeal. Words quite simply fail me at this point in time. She will forever hold a special place in our hearts.

Goodbye Emma. If anything, my sweet girl, you have given us new meaning to the word love — and for that we are grateful.

Sail on, Silver Girl.

Moonbug’s Law

Here’s a paradigm that I shall dub Moonbug’s Law: “Lack of interesting new content will cause the introduction of automated third-party content widgets which lure the unsuspecting visitor into believing that there is actually new content”. In keeping with this law, you can now look in awe at my recently taken Flickr pictures (Moonbugr), and view what music I’ve recently been listening to on (Alright, Zubin, Hit It!).

Just a tiny update though for those interested:

  • Gabriela’s now in her 23rd week of pregnancy, and we’ll get to see Emma on the echography device again next Tuesday
  • Her gynaecologist’s name is Dr. Page — how cool is that? I keep expecting him to burst into an acappella version of Dazed & Confused while feeling his way up there
  • The next day, Gabriela leaves for a month to snowy Argentina to join her dad who’s been having some health troubles
  • During this period I shall wither and die be very creative and compose music and draw a lot! And do my own laundry as well!

Low-Fi Recording: A How-To

Prequel: have someone take your picture in a grungy, grainy fashion. This will increase your street credibility, should your recording ever actually go somewhere. Some pointers: look sulky, slightly bored and a little angry on the side, if you can. Here’s an example:
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I’m European — not American — so strictly speaking I shouldn’t be poking my leftist communist anti-capitalist Old-European nose into this matter, however: it appears some 70% of all Republicans reject Darwin’s theory of evolution, opting for the Creationism “theory” instead. Pardon my Freedom French Fries but: that is downright ludicrous, and quite scary to boot.

I get the impression that the US majority is silently sliding down toward some medieval perception of the world whereby the earth is flat and has all the other planets and stars revolving around it. Dunno about you, but that scares me.

Frank Zappa, sorely missed these days, had this to say about the matter:

The essence of Christianity is told to us in the Garden of Eden history. The fruit that was forbidden was on the Tree of Knowledge. The subtext is, All the suffering you have is because you wanted to find out what was going on. You could be in the Garden of Eden if you had just kept your fucking mouth shut and hadn’t asked any questions.

… and also (back in ’86):

We are moving toward a fascist theocracy.

Hopin’ for the best, and so glad I’m not living in the land of the free right now…

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