the sun's not yellow it is chicken

Category: Me Myself And I (Page 7 of 15)

Elliott Smith’s Two Meter Session

In April ’98 I had the good fortune of seeing Elliott Smith live at the Vooruit in Ghent. I remember him coming on stage: incredibly shy and unassuming, apparently totally unaware of the fact that the place was sold out to a bunch of people who had adored “Roman Candle”, “Either/Or” and “XO”, and were delighted to hear him play live. The concert turned out to be mesmerizing. I don’t usually keep ticket stubs, but here’s my exception to the rule:


Later that year, Elliott was scheduled to appear on a Dutch TV-show called “Two Meter Sessions”. I was away from home spending my time in Ghent at the time but managed to catch this appearance on video through the wonders of vcr programming. And now, thanks to a recently purchased vhs-to-dvd recorder, so can you.

I had a bit of trouble splitting the footage in two so as to oblige YouTube — hope you enjoy it anyway:

Part One:

(YouTube link)

Part Two:

(YouTube link)

You’re dearly missed, Elliott.

The Long Way Home


“Run away and join the circus,” he told them. “Get a tattoo, hop a train. Plant a garden and save the seeds. Get married, have kids, wear a hat. Get good with a bullwhip. Don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t steal. Everyone must put beans on the table. Be devoted to the unification of the diverse aspects of yourself. Remember, most of what is essential is invisible to the eye. The quality of time you spend with someone far outweighs the quantity. And, there’s a lot you can do with a wah-wah pedal and a bullet mike.”


Doreen: I'm with the band!

Yup: this here birthday boy has had a blast over the weekend. Gabriela threw an absolutely fabulous surprise party with a new mystery guest arriving every 2 hours or so. Put 9 Zappa-freaks in a room with lots of food, wine and beer, and what you’ll end up with is some pretty entertaining conversation! Thanks to all who could make it! The Flickr set is right over here.

Friday 13

iMac screw-up

From: moonbug
To: stagecraftentertainment
Subject: Disaster Strikes

Very, very bad news.

This morning, while checking her email, Gaby’s iMac suddenly froze and shut down. We’ve since tried everything we can to resuscitate the computer, to no avail. It appears the hard-disc is fried (no more than 9 months after we purchased the iMac no less!!). All of the high-res images were stored on her Mac, and of course we failed to make back-ups…
I’m calling Apple support on Monday – hopefully they will be able to restore the files from the hard-disc. If not, well, then we’ll just have to start from scratch, won’t we…

Friday 13 indeed. :(


The Big September ’06 Banner Swap

Out with the old, in with the new! The previous moonbug banner (codename “meh”) had been sitting up there for close to 2 years, its depicted “self-portrait” leading many a reader into believing that I am an old, grumpy, ugly curmudgeon. While all of the aforementioned adjectives may well be true (with the obvious exception of “ugly”), I figured it was time for a change. The new one is a cropped version of this photo as taken by my beloved better half. I hope you like it, as it is here to stay. If not, you can always keep abreast of moonbug dot org via RSS. You decide…

Note: make sure you force refresh your browser into downloading the new css-stylesheet…

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