the sun's not yellow it is chicken

Category: Snapshots (Page 5 of 8)

The Big September ’06 Banner Swap

Out with the old, in with the new! The previous moonbug banner (codename “meh”) had been sitting up there for close to 2 years, its depicted “self-portrait” leading many a reader into believing that I am an old, grumpy, ugly curmudgeon. While all of the aforementioned adjectives may well be true (with the obvious exception of “ugly”), I figured it was time for a change. The new one is a cropped version of this photo as taken by my beloved better half. I hope you like it, as it is here to stay. If not, you can always keep abreast of moonbug dot org via RSS. You decide…

Note: make sure you force refresh your browser into downloading the new css-stylesheet…


  • I had fun last night sketching a buxom Betty Page-esque 50s stripper (yes: this does have a purpose, stay tuned). The drawing’s unfinished at present, however here’s a litle time-lapse movie showing the proceedings thus far (partial nudity alert).
  • My attempt at a YouTube version turned out to be rather crappy, alas.
  • In other news, I’ve posted some pictures of my “workspace” on Flickr for your perusal. You’ll note the slightly surreal webcam-taped-to-a-microphone-stand set-up used to shoot the movies.
  • Gabriela took some nice pictures of the area where we live. So nice in fact, people in the comments are convinced it is a cardboard stage dreamed up by scriptwriters. Ha!

Quick Time Lapse

Had a bit of fun with Gawker and Quicktime Pro. In reality the movie below was shot in a timeslot of three hours, but Gawker’s time lapse feature reduced it to a mere 23 seconds. Provided I didn’t mess up the html, you’ll see me drawing a second draft of the previous entry’s sketch, as well as having a couple of hamburgers…

Edit: here’s Episode Two.
Edit Two: the Quicktime embedding doesn’t seem to work out quite as expected for folks on PC, so here’s a link to the movie instead.


Back from a wonderful vacation in England and Ireland. We visited London, Dublin, Galway and one of the Aran Islands. Good times!


See Flickr for more.

To my devastation though, upon arriving back home, I seem to have lost my sketchbook. It was in a bag together with my leather jacket and a Woody Allen biography — all of which are now missing as well. I don’t care so much about the book or the jacket (both are replaceable items anyway), but loosing my sketchbook, well, that makes me kinda sad. There’s all sorts of stuff inthere; sketches from Buenos Aires, imaginary doodles, little ideas and scribbles, and of course my Dublin/Aran/Galway drawings… I’ve called the railway’s lost & found department to see if they had recovered it, but to no avail.

The plan now is to spread some flyers around the train station as well as around my neighbourhood (may well be that we left the bag outside my front door, thus allowing anyone to take it with them). But frankly? I don’t think I’ll ever see it back again.


Love Times Three

Thirty degrees in the early evening.

My pens, every single one of them, have quite literally refused to produce any proper lines on paper. Has the ink gone bad? Gabriela tried cleaning a pen just now, but to no avail. I’ve got the inkfinger but not a single decent drawing to show for it. I should be frustrated, damning the muse for letting me down. Instead, I look at this picture and I smile:


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